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katarinabluu retrieved 🕶️
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How to say “katarinabluu retrieved” in Korean
Hello, everyone! We’re going to learn two things today. First, we’ll learn about the Korean prefix ‘되-.’ We’ll take a look at its meaning and the verbs that we can use with this prefix. Next, we’ll learn how to change a verb into a noun form by adding ‘-ㅁ’ or ‘-음.’
After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “katarinabluu retrieved” in Korean, but you’ll also understand how this Korean expression is grammatically formed. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Karina of AESPA used for her Instagram post. Let’s begin!
Korean prefix ‘되-‘
First, let’s learn about the Korean prefix ‘되-‘. It is a prefix which adds the meaning ‘to go back to the original state’ or ‘to repeat something from the start.’ It can be paired only with a few specific verbs.
찾다 : to find, to seek 되찾다 : to retrieve to get something back
Let’s look at some example sentences to see how it can be used.
나의 옷을 되찾았다.
I got my clothes back
안나는 엄마로부터 그녀의 아이패드를 되찾았다
Anna retrieved her iPad from her mom
민정이는 행복을 되찾았다
Minjung got her happiness back
Other verbs that can be used with ‘되-‘
Now, let’s take a look at other verbs with which the prefix ‘되-’ is used.
살리다 : to save someone’s life, to make something alive and vibrant
되살리다 : to resurrect someone, to revive something
그 돌은 사람을 되살릴 수 있다고 알려져 있다.
That stone is known to be able to resurrect people.
죽은 사람을 되살리는 것은 불가능해.
It is impossible to resurrect a dead person.
감다 : to coil, to wind something
되감다 : to rewind
철사를 되감아야 기계가 작동될 거야.
The machine would only operate if you rewind the wire.
테이프 되감는 것 좀 도와줄래?
Will you help me rewind the tape?
돌아오다 : to come back
되돌아오다 : to come back to the original state or position
부메랑은 던진 사람에게 되돌아온다.
A boomerang comes back to the person who throws it.
그녀는 일주일 후 되돌아왔다.
She came back after a week.
돌아보다 : to look back, to turn back and look (It can be used both ways - to physically turn your body or to look back thinking about the past)
되돌아보다 : to look back, to think back (This one is mostly used in the ideological sense of looking back and looking back on the past)
나는 어린 시절을 되돌아봤다.
I looked back on my childhood.
지민이는 그녀의 생각을 되돌아본 것 같았다.
Jimin seemed to have thought back and reviewed her thoughts.
돌리다 : to spin something.
되돌리다 : to restore something back to the original state.
상황을 되돌리는 것은 어려울 거야.
It would be difficult to put the situation back to the original state.
자연을 원래 상태로 되돌리는 것은 매우 어렵다
Restoring nature to its original condition is very difficult.
How to change verbs into nouns
Now, let’s learn how to change verbs into nouns. This is called ‘nominalization.’ In Korean, it is very simple to change verbs into nouns. The original form of verbs end with ‘-다’ in their dictionary forms. All you need to do is remove ‘-다’ and add the final consonant ‘-ㅁ’ or ‘-음.’
If there is no final consonant in the verb stem, you add the final consonant ‘ㅁ,’ and if there is a final consonant, you just leave it be and add another syllable ‘음’ at the end. For instance, ‘되찾다’ could be changed into ‘되찾음.’
It is one of the most commonly used sentience endings on the Internet, with the nuance of the speaker talking to himself or announcing an objective fact. Therefore, it sounds blunt and not friendly. Since it is not honorific, use it only to talk to yourself or to let a close friend know something. Let’s look at some example dialogues.
도착하다 (to arrive) > 도착함 (fact: I've arrived)
오다 (to come) > 옴 (fact: I came)
A: 도착했어? (Have you arrived?)
B: ㅇㅇ 방금 옴 (Yeah, got here just now)
A: 도착함? (You arrived?)
B: 응, 방금 왔어 (Yes, I got here just now)
Karina says: “katarinabluu 되찾음”
To conclude, let’s look at the post Karina of AESPA posted on Instagram. ‘되찾음’ would be the noun form of the verb ‘되찾다,’ which means “to retrieve.” Therefore, Karina seems to be saying “katarinabluu retrieved.” As her Instagram ID is katarinabluu, she seems to have lost her ID somehow, but successfully retrieved it!