🇺🇸 Translation
London travelog
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How to say “London travelog” in Korean
Hello, everyone! We are going to learn two things today. First, we’ll learn about the Korean word ‘여행.’ We’ll take a look at its meaning and some verbs that can be combined with it. Secondly, we’ll learn about the sino-Korean word ‘기.’ We’ll learn about its meaning and how it can be combined with other words.
After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “London travelog” in Korean, but you’ll also understand how this Korean expression is grammatically formed. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Karina of AESPA used for her Instagram post. Let’s begin!
Korean noun ‘여행’ (travel)
First up, let’s learn about the Korean noun ‘여행.’ It means “travel, trip.” The verb form of this word is ‘여행하다,’ which would mean “to travel.”
‘여행’ can be combined with various verbs to add meaning. Some verbs that are commonly used are ‘하다,’ ‘가다,’ and ‘오다.’ Let’s take a look at how the meanings can change by adding these verbs.
여행 (travel) + 하다 (to do)
= 여행하다 (to travel)
나는 한 달 내내 여행했다
I traveled for the whole month
지민이는 일본 여행을 했다
Jimin traveled to Japan
여행 (travel) + 가다 (to go)
= 여행을 가다 (to go traveling)
엄마는 여행을 갔다
Mom went traveling
나는 여행 가는 것을 좋아한다
I like to go traveling
여행 (travel) + 오다 (to come)
= 여행을 오다 (to come traveling)
미국에 사는 내 친구가 여행을 온다고 했다
My friend who lives in the US said she'll come traveling
요즘 한국에 여행오는 사람들이 많다
These days, there are a lot of people who come traveling to Korea
Sino-Korean words using ‘기(記)’
Korean language has two types of words – There are native Korean words but there are also many Sino-Korean words which are based on traditional Chinese characters. Each Chinese character pertains to a specific meaning, and Sino-Korean words are formed by combining two or more of the Chinese characters. It’s similar to how some English words have roots in Latin.
Sino-Korean words are more often used for written language that requires formality. Hence, Sino-Korean words are generally perceived as more difficult vocabulary and people who use more Sino-Korean words generally sound more educated. Today, we’ll take a look at Sino-Korean words that use the Chinese character ‘기.’
기(記) - Chinese character pertaining to 'documented records'
Now, let’s take a look at nouns that use ‘기.’
여행 (travel) + 기 (record)
여행기: Travelog
너의 유럽 여행기를 봤어
I saw your Europe travelog
나는 내 일본 여행기를 블로그에 올렸다
I posted my Japan travelog on my blog
일 (day) + 기 (record)
일기: Daily diary
나는 일기를 매일 써
I write a diary every day
지민이는 방학 숙제로 일기를 매일 써야 해
Jimin has to write a diary everyday for her vacation homework
기 (record) + 사 (event)
기사: Article (records of an event)
(신문) 기사: (Newspaper) Article
나는 그 사건을 기사에서 봤어
I saw that incident on a newspaper article
신문 기사는 정부를 비판했다
The newspaper article criticized the government
무기명 투표: anonymous voting
무(non-existent) + 기(record) + 명(name) = 무기명(anonymous)
투(to throw) + 표(vote) = 투표(voting)
학생 대표 선거는 무기명 투표로 진행된다
The student representative election is done through anonymous voting
Sino-Korean verbs using ‘기’
Now, let’s go a step further. Let’s look at Korean verbs that also use the Chinese character ‘기.’ We are going to look at three Korean verbs, ‘기록하다,’ ‘기입하다,’ and ‘기술하다.’
기록하다: to record something on paper, to document
나는 오늘 회의 내용을 기록했다
I documented the contents of today's meeting
나는 여행의 순간을 기록하려고 한다
I plan to record the moments of my trip
기입하다: to insert the writings in the given blank
이 종이에 너의 정보를 기입하면 돼
You just need to write your information on this paper
여기에 이름을 기입해주세요
Please write your name here
기술하다: to describe or explain something in writing
이 보고서에는 절차가 자세히 기술되어 있다
This report describes the steps thoroughly in detail
나는 축구 경기 내용을 자세히 기술했다
I wrote the full content of the soccer game specifically
Karina says: “런던여행기”
To conclude, let’s look at the post Karina of AESPA posted on Instagram. ‘여행기’ is a sino-Korean world, which is the combination of ‘여행'(travel) and ‘기'(log). Therefore, it would mean “London travelog.” As she has posted pictures of herself in London, she seems to have posted pictures during her London travel!