선물같은 bluuuu meaning / How AESPA Karina says “bluuuu that is like a present” in Korean.

🇺🇸 Translation

bluuuu that is like a present

How to say “bluuuu that is like a present” in Korean

Hello, everyone! We’re going to learn three things today. First, we’ll learn about the Korean adjective ‘같다’ and its meaning. Next, we’ll take a step further and take a look at the Korean expression ‘(Noun) 같다.’ Finally, we’ll learn about the Korean expression pattern: ‘(Noun A) 같은 (Noun B),’ which is used in this post!

After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “bluuuu that is like a present” in Korean, but you’ll also understand how this Korean expression is grammatically formed. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Karina of AESPA used for her Instagram post. Let’s begin!

Korean adjective ‘같다’

First, let’s learn about the Korean adjective ‘같다.’ This word mainly has two meanings. The first meaning is “to be the same, to be identical.” Let’s take a look at some examples using this meaning.

카리나와 나는 키가 같다
= Karina and I have the same height

윈터의 셔츠와 나의 신발은 같은 색이다
= Winter's shirt and my shoes are the same color

닝닝과 샤오위는 국적이 같다
= Ning Ning and Xiaoyu have the same nationality

The second meaning ‘같다’ has is “to be just like the other thing (in comparison).” Let’s look at some example sentences for this meaning, too.

카리나의 목소리는 천사 같아요
= Karina's voice is like an angel

지금 너무 행복해서 꿈 같아요
= I'm so happy that it feels like a dream

정말 쉬운 퀴즈를 틀렸어요. 바보 같아요

= I got a really quiz wrong. I feel like an idiot

Korean expression ‘(Noun) 같다’

Next, we’ll learn about the Korean expression ‘(Noun) 같다.’ This expression has the meaning of “to be just like the (Noun).” Let’s take a look at some example sentences.

오늘 지민이는 진짜 여신 같다
= Today, Jimin is really like a goddess

나는 민정이가 천재 같다 생각해

= I think Minjeong is like a genius

그 옷 입으니까 너 정말 토끼 같아
= Wearing that outfit, you really look like a bunny

What does ‘(Noun A) 같은 (Noun B)’ mean?

Finally, let’s learn about the expression used in this post, which is ‘(Noun A) 같은 (Noun B).’

(Noun A) 같은 (Noun B)
: (Noun B) that is just like (Noun A)
: (Noun A)-like (Noun B)
: (Noun A)-ish (Noun B)

You can consider this similar as adding ‘-like’ or ‘-ish’ in nouns in English to change them into adjectives.

악마 같은 인간
: Human that is just like a devil
: Devilish person

천사 같은 얼굴
: Face that is just like an angel
: Angelic face
그들의 아들은 정말 선물 같은 사람이다
= Their son is a person that is just like a present

나는 시험에서 바보 같은 실수를 했어

= I made a mistake that is like a fool at the test
= I made a foolish mistake at the test

학교에서의 지옥 같은 날들은 계속됐다
= Days like hell at school continued
= Hellish days at school continued

그 신발을 찾은 것은 기적 같은 행운이었다
= It was a miracle of luck to find the shoes
= It was a miraculous luck to find the shoes

Karina says: “선물같은bluuuu”

To conclude, let’s take a look at the post Karina of AESPA posted on Instagram. She used the expression ‘(Noun A) 같은 (Noun B).’ She seems to be saying “bluuuu that is like a present.” As her Instagram ID is katarinabluuu, she seems to be refering that she is like a present!