먹방 meaning / How AESPA Winter says “Mukbang, eating show” in Korean.

🇺🇸 Translation

Wagu wagu Mukbang🐶

How to say “Eating show” in Korean

Hello, everyone! We’re going to learn three things today. First, we’ll learn about the Korean slang ‘먹방.’ We’ll learn about its basic meaning and where it came from. Next, we’ll learn about verbs that are commonly used with ‘먹방.’ Finally, we’ll learn about the expression ‘와구와구.’ We’ll learn about what it means and where it is used, and to go further on, we’ll also take a look at the expression ‘깨작깨작,’ which has the opposite meaning.

After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “Eating show” in Korean, but you’ll also understand how this Korean expression is formed. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Winter of AESPA used for her Instagram post. Let’s begin!

What does ‘먹방’ mean?

First, let’s learn about the commonly used slang term, ‘먹방.’ It is a very commonly used slang worldwide. It’s called Mukbang in English as well. It is a compound word of the verb ‘먹다’ and the noun ‘방송.’

먹다 : to eat
방송 : broadcasting
먹방 = '먹다' + '방송' = eating show

The origin of ‘먹방’ starts with showing viewers how personal Internet broadcast streamers enjoy their meal. Afterwards, even if it is not live streaming, the act of showing the eating of food on camera is generally referred to. With the popularity of YouTube channels specializing in eating shows, it has become a cultural phenomenon.

As it has become a culturally common concept, more and more people express their desire for food and eating it deliciously as an eating show, even if broadcasts or vlogs do not necessarily record it as a video.

나 오늘 다이어트 끝나서 치킨 먹방했어
= I did chicken mukbang because my diet ended today
(*Doesn't mean he/she actually did a show. It means they devoured it)

우연히 햄버거 먹방을 봐서 지금 햄버거가 먹고 싶어요
= I saw a hamburger mukbang by chance, so I want to eat a hamburger now

시험 끝나면 스시 먹방 찍으러 가자
= After exams end, let's go mukbang
(Not meaning that they would actually broadcast, means they would eat greedily)

Verbs that are commonly used with ‘먹방’

Now, let’s move a step further. Let’s learn about some verbs that are commonly used with Mukbang. ‘하다 (to do),’ ‘보다 (to see),’ ‘찍다 (to film),’ are some common verbs that are usually used with ‘먹방.’

먹방을 하다 
= to do mukbang

먹방을 보다
= to watch mukbang

먹방을 찍다
= to film mukbang
* Can figuratively use this expression to say that you're 'devouring food'

Let’s look at some example sentences to see how these are used.

지민이는 배가 고팠는지 먹방을 하고 있어
= Jimin was probably hungry, as she is doing mukbang

나는 밤마다 먹방을 보는 것을 좋아해
= I like watching mukbang every night

닝닝은 정말 맛있게 먹어서 먹방을 찍어도 될 것 같아

= I think Ning Ning can film mukbang, as she eats really deliciously

What does ‘와구와구’ mean?

Now, let’s learn about the word ‘와구와구.’ It is a mimetic word that describes the look of someone ravenously devouring food with big bites. The key nuance here is on taking the ‘Big bites.’ It doesn’t hold any negative connotation but neither is it particularily positive.

In Korean, it is common to use mimic words, which is a word that mimics the shape or movement of a person or thing. It is grammatically used to decorate a verb like an adverb.

나는 너무 배고파서 샐러드를 와구와구 먹었다
= I was so hungry that I had to devour the salad (and shoved it up my face with big bites)

민정이가 와구와구 와플을 먹는 모습을 보니 나도 먹고싶다
= I also want to eat the waffle, watching Minjeong devouring it (and shoved it up her face with big bites)

‘깨작깨작’ the opposite word of ‘와구와구’

Lastly, let’s learn about another mimetic word. ‘깨작깨작’ is also a mimetic word that is commonly used in Korea, but this has the opposite meaning of ‘와구와구.’

Though this is also used to describe how a person eats, this expression is used to describe a person who is eating in tiny bits and slowly, as if he or she isn’t really hungry. Let’s take a look at some example sentences.

밥을 깨작깨작 먹으면 안돼
= You shouldn't nibble at your meal

민정이는 배가 안고팠는지 도넛을 깨작깨작 먹었다
= Minjung must have not been hungry, so she nibbled on the donuts

Winter says: 와구와구 먹방 🐶

To conclude, let’s look at the post Winter of AESPA posted on Instagram. Winter posted a video of herself eating a meal, saying ‘와구와구 먹방.’ She seems to have said ‘와구와구’ because she is eating really deliciously and enthusiastically and ‘먹방,’ since it is a video of herself eating.