앗! 실수 meaning / How TWS Jihoon says “Oh my! My mistake” in Korean.

🇺🇸 Translation

Jihoon: Oops! My mistake!

#TWS #투어스 #247WithUs

How to say “Oops! My mistake!” in Korean

Hello, everyone! We’re going to learn two things today. First, we’ll learn about the commonly used Korean expression ‘앗.’ We’ll take a look at its meaning and situations where this can be used. Next, we’ll learn about the Korean noun ‘실수.’ We’ll learn about its meaning through looking into the meaning of the Sino-Korean word ‘실 (失)’

After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “Oops! My mistake!” in Korean, but you’ll have a more in-depth understanding of Korean vocabularies. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Jihoon of TWS used for his Instagram post. Let’s begin!

Korean expression ‘앗’

First, let’s take a look into the Korean word ‘앗.’ ‘앗’ itself is a screaming sound used when you’re in a hurry or surprised. It is very commonly used to indicate a sense of urgency or surprise. Simple translations would be ‘Oh, my!’ or ‘Oh, wait!’ Now, let’s look at certain situations where this expression can be used.

앗, 잠깐만요! 
Oh wait, a moment please!

앗, 실수했다!
Oh wait, I made a mistake!

앗, 그거 아니에요!
Oh wait, it's not that!

For the expressions above, ‘앗’ is used to stop the listener from doing something and provide some extra information. For instance, ‘앗, 잠깐만요’ and ‘앗, 실수했다’ can be used in a situation where you handed in a report to your co-worker, but you just realized that you made a type-o. You would have an intention to stop the co-worker from reading the report and inform them of the error. Could be translated as ‘Oh wait’

앗! 안돼!
Oh my! No!

앗! 큰일이다!
Oh my! This is serious trouble!

앗! 보지 마세요!
Oh my! Don't look!

In these sentences, ‘앗’ has a slightly different meaning compared to the previous sentences. In these sentences, ‘앗’ is used to mostly show a sense of bewilderment or embarrassment. Again, it provides sense of urgency or surprise. Most Koreans don’t intentionally say this, it’s just something that pops up when they face trouble, much like ‘oops!’

Sino-Korean words using ‘실 (失)’

Now, let’s look at the word ‘실수.’ To learn thoroughly about the meaning of this word, we’ll first take a look at the Chinese character ‘실 (失)’

Korean langauge has two types of words – There are native Korean words but there are also many Sino-Korean words which are based on traditional Chinese characters. Each Chinese character pertains to a specific meaning, and Sino-Korean words are formed by combining two or more of the Chinese characters. It’s similar to how some English words have roots in Latin.

Sino-Korean words are more often used for written language that requires formality. Hence, Sino-Korean words are generally perceived as more difficult vocabulary and people who use more Sino-Korean words generally sound more educated.

Today, we’ll learn about Sino-Korean words that use the Chinese character ‘실(失).’ It is a Chinese character pertaining to “loss, miss, or fault.” Now, let’s look at some words that use ‘실(失).’

실수: Mistake
실 (faulty) + 수 (hand, move)

나는 시험에서 실수를 했다.
I made a mistake at the test.

나는 제인에게 실수를 한 것 같다.
I think I made a mistake to Jane.
실책: Misstep, Mistake
실 (faulty) + 책 (policy, measure)

수비에서 그 실책은 치명적이다.
That mistake at defense is fatal.

나는 이번 테니스 경기에서 실책을 하지 않았다.
I didn't make any mistake in this Tennis game.
실패: Failure
실 (faulty) + 패 (defeat, loss)

실패는 성공의 어머니다.
Failure is the mother of success.

실패를 두려워하면 안 된다.
One shouldn't be afraid of failure.
실망: Disappointment
실 (loss) + 망 (wish, hope)

나는 너에게 실망이 크다.
I am very disappointed in you

지훈이가 실망하지 않았으면 좋겠어.
I wish that Jihoon wouldn't be disappointed.
실언: Slip of the tongue, Irresponsible comments that usually cause moral backlash
실 (faulty) + 언 (word, language)

미안, 그 얘기는 나의 실언이었어.
Sorry, that talk was my slip of tongue.

그 대통령은 실언으로 유명하다.
That president is famous for irresponsible comments.

TWS Jihoon says : “앗! 실수”

To conclude, let’s look at the post Jihoon of TWS posted on Instagram. He seems to have posted a video of himself making various mistakes, so he seems to be saying “Oops! my mistake” to tell the content of his video in a funny way.