🇺🇸 Translation
It’s out now, Armageddon
📙 Lesson point
How to say “It’s out now, Armageddon” in Korean
Hello, everyone! We’re going to learn two things today. First, we will learn about the Korean prefix ‘나-.’ We’ll take a look at its meaning and learn some example usages. Next, we’ll learn about the diverse conjugations of the verb ‘나오다,’ and the different meanings of this word.
After reading today’s post, not only will you be able to learn how to say “It’s out now” in Korean, but you’ll also understand how this Korean expression is grammatically formed. Moreover, we’ll look into the actual expression that Giselle of AESPA used for her Instagram post. Let’s begin!
Korean prefix ‘나-‘
First, let’s learn about the prefix ‘나-.’ It is a prefix representing movement from inside to outside. It is attached in front of verbs to add meaning. Let’s take a look at some examples.
가다 (verb) : to go
나가다 (verb) : to go out, to get out
지민이는 집에서 나갔다
= Jimin went out of her house
내 통장에서 10달러가 나갔다
= 10 dollars went out of my bank account
오다 (verb): to come
나오다 (verb): to come out, to appear, to emerge
고양이가 구멍에서 나왔다
= A cat came out of the hole
이 학교에서 천재가 나왔다
= A genius appeared in this school
서다 (verb): to stand
나서다 (verb): to step forward (to take initiative)
하영이는 나서는 것을 싫어한다
= Hayoung hates coming out forward
그 남자는 재선에 나섰다
= That man ran for re-election
Different meanings of ‘나오다’
Now, let’s learn some more details about this word. ‘나오다’ is the present form of this verb. The past form is ‘나왔다.’
‘나오다’ is a verb that has a very wide range of uses and meanings. The main two meanings are “to physically come out of a place” and “to appear as something is hidden inside and then comes out.” However, there are more meanings to this word, so let’s take a look at some other meanings through some examples.
카리나는 일요일에 집에서 나오지 않았다
= Karina didn't come out of home on Sunday
윈터는 이 박자에 앞으로 한 걸음 나와요
= Winter takes a step forward at this beat
지젤의 집에는 유령이 나온다
= There is a ghost in Giselle's house (At Giselle's house, a ghost comes out)
닝닝은 내년에 로맨스 영화에 나온다
= Ning Ning will appear in a romance movie next year
윈터는 오늘 회사에 나오지 않았다
= Winter didn't come to work today
지젤은 당황해서 이상한 말이 나왔다
= Giselle was embarrassed and said something strange (Giselle got embarrassed - which made it so that strange words came out of her mouth)
카리나가 잃어버렸던 일기장이 침대 밑에서 나왔다
= Karina's lost diary was found under the bed. (appeared from under the bed, came out of the underneath of the bed)
디저트로 초콜릿 케이크가 나왔어요
= A chocolate cake came out as a dessert.
뱀의 상처에서 파란색 피가 나왔다
= Blue blood came out of the snake's wound
에스파의 새 앨범은 내년에 나온다
= Aespa's new album is coming out next year
카리나는 작년에 감옥에서 나왔다
= Karina was released from prison last year (Karina came out of prison last year)
윈터는 하버드 대학교를 나왔다
= Winter graduated from Harvard University (Winter came out of Harvard Uni.)
지젤은 대통령 선거에 후보로 나왔다
= Giselle came out as a candidate in the presidential election
닝닝은 절대 동의할 수 없다며 강경하게 나왔다
= Ning Ning came out tough, saying she could never agree
오늘 카리나의 새 여권이 나왔다
= Karina's new passport came out today
이쪽으로 가면 곧 지젤의 집이 나온다
= If you go this way, you'll soon find Giselle's house (Giselle's house will appear)
오늘 시험에는 아주 어려운 문제가 나왔다
= There was a very difficult question in today's exam. (In today's exam, a very difficult question came out.)
지젤의 얼굴을 보니 눈물이 나왔다
= When I saw Giselle's face, tears came out
Giselle says: “나와따 아마겟돈”
To conclude, let’s take a look at the post Giselle of AESPA posted on Instagram. In this post, Giselle used ‘나왔다’ as the meaning of “being published or released.” Therefore, Giselle seems to be saying that their new song, Armageddon, is “out now”. The grammatically correct form would be ‘나왔다,’ but Giselle seems to have written it as ‘나와따’ in order to say it in a cuter manner!